장인수2004/10/02 18:20:50조회수 889

RBRdll v1.1 (동영상 레코딩기능추가)

Richard Burns Rally

Time controls (during replay):
- Insert: Fast forward (hold down)
- Del: Slow motion (hold down)
- End: Pause time (hold down)
- Page Up: Accelerate time
- Page Down: Decelerate time
- Home: Reset time acceleration

Postprocessing controls:
- App-P: Postprocessing on/off
- App-Page Up: Blur strength up
- App-Page Down: Blur strength down
- App-Home: Darkening strength up
- App-End: Darkening strength down
- App-Insert: Blur Hardlight strength up
- App-Delete: Blur Hardlight strength down

AVI Recording:
- App-R: Start/resume recording
- App-E: Pause recording
- App-T: Stop recording

- App-M: Replay minihud on/off
- App-H: Help screen on/off
- App-F: FPS meter on/off
- Backspace: Drop/restore camera

The \"App\" key is the application key, located between the right
windows key and the right ctrl.


2004/10/04 22:19:22
예 레코딩중 속도 미칠듯이 느립니다 -_-;;
거의 플레이속도의 1/10정도?
그리고 용량초과 에러때문에 640x480모드로 저장하면서 하프사이즈 옵션을 킵니다.
320x240동영상이 저장되는거죠 -_ -;;
2004/10/04 16:52:47
이거 레코딩중 무진장 느려지고 용량도 3.99기가바이트 되면 에러나는데 님들도 그러신가요?
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